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Friday, February 6, 2009


Just as we promised, here it is, for your viewing pleasure! The very 1st Bunk Buddy production! Tell your friends and Enjoy!

-Tony and Isaac


Anonymous said...

very steezy hey tony drew was tellin me you and isaac went skimmin when it was 30 some odd degrees with snow on the ground, dang thats dedication and too much time; arent you goin to college haha. Oh lets see a teaser for Nice Pop spring is only a couple weeks a way i need to get amped

Matt said...

nice stuff guys. I can't skate to save my life but I can skim so I'm all good.

Tony and Isaac said...

Yeah we went out a few weeks ago to film my online video part. I go to Whatcom Community college.

The Nice POP teaser will be out soon enough. Just hold your horses.

Tony and Isaac said...

Yeah thanks man, you should try to pick up skating. You'd be surprised how much it'll help your skimming

Will Good said...

damn cheese and crackers is now officially bunkbeds and buddys